• At the end of your rope

    Are you at your wits end, are your kids running you down?

    The school’s calling you again, this time it’s the principal, last week it was the counselor.

    Your to embarrassed to tell your boss why you have to leave work again.

    You get sick and you have to tough it up because you cannot afford a day off.

  • Having trouble with self care

    You step on that dreaded scale and realize you don’t see your toes from those extra pounds that you keep telling yourself are just from the pregnancies or giving birth, but the pregnancies are years behind you.

    For dad’s "that “grown man” weight is no beer belly; you don’t even drink enough for that or do you?

    To your spouse your just another thing they have to deal with and for some of you just a a roommate.

    Don’t let these things and so much more define who you are, your issues are not a determinant of your worthiness and you are of value to your family, they just don’t know it yet or maybe you need some support in helping them understand what your going through.

    Let’s meet and figure out what we can do as a team to get you back in the game, get you smiling at your partner the way you did when you first met them. Let’s figure out these weird kids together. Please don’t delay any longer, sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life